Smithfield Polska the best employer of 2022

The Group of Smithfield Polska, Animex Foods and Agri Plus became the prize winner of the 50 best employers ranking prepared by the editorial office of weekly magazine Wprost.

The journalists took into account such aspects of the HR policy as employment stability, salary growth, non-wage benefits, as well as the number of dismissals. In connection with the military aggression in Ukraine, additional element of the analysis were the aspects related to employment and support for our Eastern neighbors.

“We are extremely proud of the award granted by Wprost. We are glad that the editorial office appreciated the fact that as of now Smithfield Polska, Animex Foods and Agri Plus have more than 11 000 employees on a stable employment contract. We are aware that the strength of our organization comes from its employees performing their tasks on all production and administration levels, which subsequently constitutes one of the foundations of our corporate social responsibility policy. Today, we can say with great conviction that the Smithfield Polska group primarily is a good employer” – emphasized PR & GA Director of Smithfield Polska, Łukasz Dominiak.

This year’s distinction is the second such award within Smithfield Polska group. Last year, Animex Foods took the first place in the contest of weekly Wprost in the category Best Employer during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the key elements of the then analysis was the fact that the organization concentrated its efforts on protection of employees’ health. Moreover, the company not only was not dismissing employees, but additionally employing and raising salaries under selected areas of activity.

“The motto of Smithfield Polska is: Good food. Responsibly. Responsibility is one of our fundamental values. By acting responsibly we are building a stable organization which is developing based on the growing skills and competences of our employees” – added HR Managing Director of Smithfield Polska, Rafał Wilk.

The consistently executed HR strategy of Smithfield Polska, Animex Foods and Agri Plus is based on appreciation of diversity, development of skills, competences and leadership. Currently 18% of the employees are foreigners, among whose major part constitute the citizens of Ukraine. Thanks to the development of skills almost 500 people from this professional group occupy higher, qualified job positions and the next 62 people, following the development of competences, took on managerial posts. A significant role in the demanding development and knowledge sharing process is played by the responsible attitude of Polish employees who support the development of their colleagues from other countries.

More information about Wprost ranking may be found on:

On the occasion of the contest, the editorial office of Wprost prepared the profile of this year’s winner Smithfield Polska which is available on:

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
