Animex Foods launches an industry class in Kutno

Animex Foods as one of the largest employers in Kutno area, continues its corporate social responsibility mission by supporting local community and developing educational projects.

Being a leader in the meat sector in Poland, the company consistently implements its strategy based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on the three pillars: Business, Environment, People. Animex Foods strives to create a positive impact on the local community and environment. One of the key areas in this regard is cooperation with educational institutions.

On April 5th, 2024, Animex K1 in Kutno signed an agreement with Maria Konopnicka’s Special School and Educational Center no. 1 in Kutno, concerning the opening from a new year an industry class with a specialization in meat processing. This initiative fits perfectly into the UN Sustainable Development Goals performed by the company, including in the goal no. 4 “Good Quality of Education”.

The School and Educational Center no. 1 in Kutno has been educating and supporting students with intellectual disabilities and other special educational needs for over 60 years. Thanks to the cooperation with Animex Foods, students will have the opportunity to complete paid internships already in the first year of school, and after the graduation, get a permanent job.

Supporting local educational institutions such as Special School and Educational Center no. 1 in Kutno is for Animex Foods not only an expression of social commitment, but also an opportunity to develop the potential of young people in the pursuit of better-quality education and career prospects.

It is worth emphasizing that under the actions for “Good Quality of Education” Animex Foods has among others funded the equipment of the audio-visual room for the students from Gen. J. H. Dąbrowski’s 1st High School in Kutno, about which you can read here:

Animex Foods wspiera kutnowskich licealistów – Animex

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
