The retailers decided. Berlinki Classic and Szynka od Szwagra with the 2022 Golden Receipts [Złote Paragony]!

Berlinki Classic and Szynka od Szwagra took the first place in categories packaged cold meats and premium cold meats in the annual contest organized by a monthly Hurt & Detal. The awards are granted based on the results of a survey addressed to the readers of the monthly.

In total almost 400 products in 64 categories were nominated for the contest. Two products were selected from Animex Foods portfolio and they won in their categories.

“We are extremely pleased that our Berlinki Classic as well as Szynka od Szwagra from Krakus were awarded with the retailers votes. Golden Receipt is for us an outstanding award due to the fact that the results of this contest reflect the real market popularity generated by a specific product.” – stressed the spokesman of Animex Foods, Łukasz Dominiak.

In the evaluated categories, Berlinki Classic and Szynka od Szwagra left behind among others products of Sokołów and Indykpol brands.

“Quality and tasty products so willingly selected by the Clients and Consumers, for which we cordially thank, are the effects of our everyday work. This year’s award for us constitutes a way of social commitment to constantly deliver valued products to Polish and international stores. – added Łukasz Dominiak.

The “Golden Receipt” contest has been organized since 2011 and the awards in particular categories are granted based on the grades of owners and managers of grocery stores from Poland.

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
