Sylwia Ryszczuk among the personalities of business

A member of the Animex Foods Management Board and White Meat Group Director, Sylwia Ryszczuk, became one of the 50 personalities of business. The book presenting profiles of the characters was created thanks to the editor’s office of Businesswoman&life magazine for the Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win Your Life!

The initiative of magazine’s editor’s office as well as the foundation, aims at promotion of the people creating Polish business under a broad spectrum of sectors and areas. Festive gala, during which the publication was presented, also featured an auction of the donations provided e.g. by the protagonists of the book, among whose obviously were the products of Krakus brand. The entire money from the auction which amounted to 100 000 zloty was allocated for the operations of Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win Your Life!

“I would like to thank the Businesswoman&life magazine as well as Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win Your Life! for this special distinction. I am glad that the book may not only present the business personalities to the readers, but most of all, aid all the people under the Foundation’s care. Cancer is one of the greatest civilization threats of the 21st century, therefore I am even happier that I could make my contribution to helping the sick.” – stressed the Animex Foods Management Board member, Sylwia Ryszczuk.  

Apart from Sylwia Ryszczuk, the personalities of business selected  by the editor’s office of Businesswoman&life magazine and Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win Your Life! were among others actress Grażyna Wolszczak, journalist Mateusz Szymkowiak, as well as Customer Success Lead at Microsoft, Magdalena Kasiewicz.

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
