Animex Iława close to students

Animex Foods with division in Iława is continuing the comprehensive cooperation with educational institutions. Representatives of the facility met with the pupils from the School Complex in Bielice as well as the students of the Faculty of Food Sciences from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn to acquaint the audience with the profile and scope of company’s activity.

A total of almost 100 pupils and students from both educational institutions had an opportunity to obtain information on the operations of the division in Iława. During the discussions with the students, representatives of the company also presented an abundant offer of internships addressed to the 8th grade pupils as well as work placements for last year students of first and second cycle studies with a possibility for further permanent employment.

“Good, partner-like relations we have been maintaining with educational institutions, including the School Complex in Bielice and University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, constitute one of the foundations of our policy of being a good and reliable neighbor in all regions of our activity. We want to actively reach the young people who will soon enter the labor market and thanks to the meetings with employees of Animex Foods, we can present ourselves as a good employer in the best possible way.” – emphasized the Animex Foods spokesman, Łukasz Dominiak.

The meetings with pupils and students of both institutions ended with an invitation to visit the facility in Iława. Those visits will enable them to personally observe the production process at the national leader of the meat industry.

“We not only wish to present our offer, but also invite the pupils and students to see how the production of meats and cold meats looks like in practice, with particular attention to animal welfare, safety and food quality procedures. As practitioners we know that our industry is based on rigorous national and EU regulations as well as internal policies. All those elements ensure the consumers with an uninterrupted access to tasty and liked products of Animex Foods.” – added Łukasz Dominiak.

The specialists working in the division in Iława will soon provide support the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn under the innovative project InnoMeatEdu. The facility will aid the students with content-related issues on the processing of poultry meat, safety and quality of production, as well as entrepreneurship in the meat sector.

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
