Animex Foods selected the leader of food industry according to “Rzeczpospolita”

Animex Foods took the 1st place on the 2000 List of “Rzeczpospolita” newspaper in the food industry category. The ranking covered 11 most important segments of the market and the awards were granted to the most dynamic companies in individual sectors.

The 2000 List is a ranking conducted by „Rzeczpospolita” which presents a wide spectrum of national enterprise, among others due to the fact that it covers many various industries that are not strongly represented in different lists.

This year’s 2000 LIST was developed in a content related cooperation with Koźmiński University based on the data from a credit bureau. The list of most dynamic companies was prepared according to the company revenues from last year. The ranking is among others a very interesting summary of the changes and challenges brought by the pandemic in the previous period.

Animex Foods took the 1st place in the food industry company category. The award was granted during a ceremony which was held on December 14th, 2022 in Koźmiński University in Warsaw. During the Gala the awards went to the companies from the forefront of 2000 LIST and leaders  in eleven industry categories such as: construction and building materials / trade, retail chains /  consumer goods / motorization / TSL /health protection / food industry / chemical industry / IT, telecommunications, new media / packaging, paper, glass / fuels, energy, extraction.

“We are incredibly proud of the fact that Animex Foods took the 1st place in the “Rzeczpospolita”
ranking. The 2000 List should be interpreted as the image of economy post critical events related to COVID-19 pandemic. This award is in fact a recognition for our employees who demonstrated huge commitment and responsibility in those difficult times. Behind Animex’s success there are people whom we want to develop and support”
–  said Łukasz Dominiak, the spokesman of Animex Foods, when collecting the statuette.


On December 15th a special publication with the detailed ranking of the 2000 List appeared in “Rzeczpospolita”, which can be found here:
Lista 2000 – dane za 2021 rok w tys. zł – Lista 2000 – 2022 (

The account from the event is available under the link: Lista 2000. „Rzeczpospolita” nagrodziła największe firmy w Polsce –

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
