Animex as one of the sustainable development leaders in the Smithfield Foods group

During the annual conference Smithfield Foods summarized its activity towards the sustainable development and appreciated the operations of individual divisions of the company located in the USA and other parts of the world. Facilities of Animex were recognized as the leader of environmental changes and received three awards in that area.


The cyclical event named “Smithfield Foods Environmental Conference” took place on September 13-14th in Washington DC. This annual meeting constitutes a perfect platform for exchanging observations and comparing experiences within the broadly comprehended responsible business conducted within the Smithfield group in different parts of the world.
The event features discussion of e.g., key projects and the most important issues related to the environmental protection.


During this year’s edition of the conference Smithfield Polska was represented by Lukasz Dominiak and Marta Tworek, who presented the activities undertaken by the group within the environmental protection. They also shared some details of the project related to calculation of carbon footprint, which was met with a big interest of the participants.


Under the event, the management of Smithfield Foods granted awards to facilities forming part of the group for special achievements and outstanding projects aimed at sustainable development. Animex became one of the leaders of the competition and received three awards for its plants, including the main prize of the Smithfield Foods CEO. The list of awarded projects is as follows:

  • Animex Starachowice – Main prize of the Smithfield Foods CEO in category Energy for the project which contributed to significant reduction in CO2 emissions. The division in Starachowice reduced the emissions of gases through closure of a coal boiler room in favor of high-efficient gas boiler room,
  • Animex Opole – The award in category Energy for the project within improvement of production’s energy efficiency. The implemented activities led to reduction in use of electricity by approx. 60 000 kWh / year and reduction in use of gas by approx. 373 000 dth / year,
  • Animex Daszyna – The award in category Training / Education / ISO 14001 for the involvement in educating employees on the environmental protection.


It is worth noticing that as for the Smithfield Foods competition rules, the winners may allocate part of the granted award to a selected charitable purpose. This form of distinction allows for even bigger positive impact on the surroundings and confirms the importance of activities undertaken within the sustainable development.

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
