Animex Foods and Agri Plus together help fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus

Animex Foods and Agri Plus together help fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Both companies will provide a total of PLN 1.5 million and plan to do more. Having the best interest of those in need at heart, Animex Foods and Agri Plus financially supported nationwide fight against the coronavirus. PLN 1.5 million will be donated to hospitals located in the regions where both companies operate. Subsidies for institutions are the first element of aid at epidemic fight times. The funds donated to hospitals will be used to provide the necessary equipment to medical personnel dealing with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. – We are proud to join the nationwide support for the front line services fighting pandemic. Our duty to local communities is to support hospitals neighbouring our plants – says the President of Animex Foods, Jacek Dziełak. Animex Foods and Agri Plus have just started with the support, the first step was funds and  the next are safety measures, i.e. masks, goggles and disposable gloves. The equipment will go to medical staff and patients struggling with the coronavirus. – People who we work with every day are our strength. Our socially responsible strategy means nothing more than supporting the hospital staff in their efforts to help patients – emphasises the Managing Director of Agri Plus, Monika Ejchart. Both financial and material support is part of the extensive strategy of Animex Foods and Agri Plus to help local communities. In addition, we are in constant contact with food banks supporting people under quarantine, mainly seniors.

Rzecznik Prasowy Animex Foods
Public and Government Relations Director
Łukasz Dominiak
